The Whiskey Ambulance: The Bizarre Rescue Mission During Stuart’s Daring Raid

The Whiskey Ambulance: The Bizarre Rescue Mission During Stuart’s Daring Raid

In the summer of 1862, as the American Civil War raged, a daring cavalry raid led by Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart would become the legend. But hidden within this famous ride around the Union Army was a peculiar rescue mission involving an unlikely hero: a keg of whiskey. This is the untold story of the…

Painting depicting soldiers fighting in a battlefield with a man on horseback leading. Flames and smoke rise in the background as some soldiers wade through water.

The General’s Lost Sword: How Jefferson Davis Delayed an Ambulance to Find Johnston’s Family Heirloom

In the chaos of battle, even the most precious possessions can be lost. This is the story of how Confederate President Jefferson Davis put a general’s life on hold to recover a cherished family heirloom amidst one of the bloodiest battles of the American Civil War. The Battle of Seven Pines: A Bloody Affair On…

civil war submarines

Civil War Submarines: The Hunley and Other Underwater Warfare Attempts

The American Civil War was a time of great innovation in military technology, including early attempts at underwater warfare. While most people think of ironclad ships and naval battles on the surface, there were also pioneering efforts to develop submarines and other underwater weapons. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of Civil War submarines and…

Steamboats in the Civil War

Steamboats in the Civil War: The Mississippi River’s Role in the Conflict

The American Civil War was not just fought on land. Rivers, especially the mighty Mississippi, played a crucial role in the conflict. Steamboats and other vessels became vital tools for the Union and Confederate forces. Let’s dive into how these floating fortresses shaped the war’s course. The Mississippi: A Watery Highway Why Rivers Mattered In…