The JFK Assassination: An Insider’s Perspective from the Autopsy Room

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  • The JFK Assassination: An Insider’s Perspective from the Autopsy Room

On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. This tragic event has captivated the world for decades, spawning countless theories and investigations. While much has been written about the assassination, few accounts come from those who were directly involved in the aftermath. Jim Jenkins, a medical corpsman present during JFK’s autopsy, offers a unique and compelling perspective on this historic event.

The Reluctant Witness

For over 50 years, Jim Jenkins remained silent about his role in President Kennedy’s autopsy. Unlike some of his colleagues who sought the spotlight, Jenkins preferred to keep his experiences private. He explains:

“This is not a highlight of my life. It hasn’t affected my life at all, but I think that’s because I really did not participate in it.”

Jenkins’ reluctance to speak out stemmed from concerns about credibility and a desire to avoid the intense scrutiny that came with such a controversial topic. However, in recent years, he has decided to share his story, believing it’s important for the truth to be known.

Inside the Autopsy Room

The Arrival of the Body

Jenkins recalls the unusual circumstances surrounding the arrival of President Kennedy’s body at Bethesda Naval Hospital:

“The casket came in and it was brought in by people in business suits. There may have been a couple of military officers with it. It was brought into the morgue proper, sat down on the floor.”

What struck Jenkins as particularly odd was the type of casket used to transport the President’s body:

“It was striking in the fact that it was the president’s body in such an ordinary plane [casket]. I wouldn’t think so [that it was typical protocol].”

Examining the Wounds

As one of the few individuals present during the autopsy, Jenkins had a firsthand view of President Kennedy’s injuries. His observations challenge some aspects of the official narrative:

“The wound that was in the back was not a fatal one. If in fact Oswald did shoot from the depository, the wound that was in the back that I saw was not a fatal wound.”

Jenkins also noted a wound that he believes came from the front, contradicting the single-shooter theory:

“The wound I saw in the right temple… No, no it couldn’t have [been Oswald]. It would have had to have come from actually the right front.”

The Brain Examination

One of the most controversial aspects of the Kennedy assassination is the examination of the President’s brain. Jenkins was one of only three people who held the brain during the autopsy:

“Dr. Humes took a brain out of the cranium, handed it to Dr. Boswell. Dr. Boswell and I went over and I knelt down and he gave me the brain. I turned it upside down and put it in the sling.”

Jenkins’ description of the brain damage differs from the official report:

“There’s a portion of the brain here that was missing… But it was less than a third of the total brain.”

Discrepancies and Doubts

Conflicting Reports

Throughout the interview, Jenkins highlights several discrepancies between what he observed and what was reported in the official autopsy:

“The measurement of the wounds, 13 centimeters, that’s almost 5 inches. That’s almost an inch and a half over what I actually saw.”

He suggests that these discrepancies may have been intentional:

“A lot of the autopsy report is a spin on what we actually saw. The measurement of the wounds… I think what they did was the measurement was taken after the scalp was refracted, some of the bone had separated from the scalp and fallen in so it had increased the size of the wound.”

Pressure and Influence

Jenkins believes that the doctors involved in the autopsy may have been under pressure to support a particular narrative:

“I think of Humes and Boswell and Fink. They were good people, but one of the things that everybody seems to negate is the fact that they were military. They were in the Navy, they were all career officers. They were getting close to their retirement. My feeling is that they were given a scenario and they were directed to actually support that through the autopsy findings.”

The Quest for Truth

Despite his initial reluctance to speak out, Jenkins now believes it’s important for the full truth about the assassination to come to light:

“I’d like to see a legal conclusion. I would be more than willing to participate in an objective legal inquiry where you would be able to, you know, someone who’s objective. And I’m not talking about a group of physicians to review the evidence and that type of situation. I’m talking about a true law enforcement objective investigation into a murder.”

However, Jenkins is skeptical about whether such an investigation will ever take place:

“I don’t think that the government will allow it because there’s so much stuff that they still have sequestered that they won’t release.”

The Importance of Eyewitness Accounts

Jenkins’ testimony provides a crucial perspective on one of the most significant events in American history. As an eyewitness with no apparent agenda, his account challenges aspects of the official narrative and raises important questions about what really happened on that fateful day in Dallas.

His story underscores the importance of preserving and examining firsthand accounts, especially as time passes and fewer direct witnesses remain. Jenkins explains his motivation for finally speaking out:

“The purpose of the book is to get the information out there. You know, I guess it has to do with my own mortality. It’s just absolutely unconscionable that what’s being taught in schools now, it’s not true…. But it’s accepted as part of history.”

A Call for Further Investigation

Jenkins’ account adds to the body of evidence suggesting that there may be more to the Kennedy assassination than what has been officially reported. While he doesn’t claim to have all the answers, his observations from inside the autopsy room provide valuable insights that deserve further examination.

As we approach the 60th anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination, Jenkins’ story serves as a reminder that there are still unanswered questions surrounding this pivotal moment in history. His willingness to come forward after so many years of silence highlights the ongoing importance of this event and the public’s enduring desire to understand what really happened.

Unraveling the Mystery: The Road Ahead

The JFK assassination remains one of the most debated topics in American history. Jim Jenkins’ account adds another piece to this complex puzzle, challenging us to look beyond the official narrative and consider alternative perspectives.

As time passes and more information comes to light, it’s crucial that we continue to examine and reevaluate the events surrounding President Kennedy’s death. Jenkins’ story reminds us that there may still be untold accounts and hidden truths waiting to be discovered.

Whether a full, impartial investigation will ever take place remains to be seen. However, by preserving and sharing accounts like Jenkins’, we ensure that future generations have access to a more complete picture of this historic event. As we move forward, it’s essential that we remain open to new information and willing to challenge long-held assumptions in the pursuit of truth.

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