From Nicaragua to Dallas: Ruth Paine’s Intriguing International Connections

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  • From Nicaragua to Dallas: Ruth Paine’s Intriguing International Connections

Ruth Paine is a name that has become deeply intertwined with one of the most significant events in American history – the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. While her role in this tragic event has been debated for decades, her international connections and activities have raised eyebrows and sparked curiosity among researchers and historians. This blog post delves into Ruth Paine’s intriguing international connections, focusing on her involvement in Nicaragua and her ties to Dallas, Texas.

The Nicaraguan Connection

ProNica: A Quaker Peace Organization or Something More?

Ruth Paine’s involvement in Nicaragua came through her work with ProNica, a Quaker peace organization. On the surface, this seems like a noble endeavor – helping the poor and supporting peace efforts in a troubled region. However, some have questioned whether ProNica was more than expected.

According to Max Good, a filmmaker who created a documentary about Ruth Paine, suspicions about her activities in Nicaragua existed even before her connection to the JFK assassination became known. Good interviewed Sue Wheaton, who was in Nicaragua and witnessed some interesting events involving Ruth Paine.

Wheaton reported that people were suspicious of Paine before they even knew about her connection to the assassination. These suspicions were heightened when Wheaton brought up Paine’s link to the JFK case.

Accusations and Expulsion

The situation in Nicaragua took a dramatic turn when Ruth Paine was accused of being a CIA asset or agent. This accusation came from people helping the Sandinistas and the poor in Nicaragua through ProNica.

The accusations were serious enough that Paine was asked to leave one of her working groups. She was sent away, ostensibly to “get some R&R at the beach,” but it was clear that her presence was no longer welcome.

The CIA and Religious Groups: A Historical Connection

The Use of Religious Organizations in Intelligence Work

To understand the context of these accusations, it’s important to note that there is a documented history of intelligence agencies using religious groups as covers for their operations. Mark Groubert, in a discussion with Max Good, pointed out that both the Quakers and the Jesuits have been used as intelligence fronts during the Cold War.

Max Good referenced a book called “A Certain Arrogance” by Professor George Michael Avica. This book details the CIA’s use of religious groups and provides historical context for the possibility of intelligence agencies working through organizations like ProNica.

Investigating ProNica

Good attempted to research ProNica more deeply, speaking with people in Florida who were part of the group and even reaching out to contacts in Nicaragua. However, he found it difficult to get clear answers about the organization’s true nature.

One source suggested to Good that while the smaller projects within ProNica might be legitimate, the larger organization could be suspect. This source claimed that some of the projects ProNica said they were doing weren’t happening.

Ruth Paine’s Connections to Dallas

The Oswald Connection

Ruth Paine’s international activities are intriguing, but her connections to Dallas, Texas, are equally fascinating. Paine played a significant role in the lives of Lee Harvey Oswald and his wife Marina in the months leading up to the JFK assassination.

The Minox Camera Mystery

One of the most puzzling aspects of Ruth Paine’s involvement in the JFK case revolves around a Minox spy camera. This type of camera was found in Oswald’s belongings, but interestingly, Michael Paine (Ruth’s husband) also claimed to own one.

Typically used for espionage, these cameras have led to much speculation about the Paines’ potential intelligence connections. The fact that there were two cameras with different serial numbers only adds to the mystery.

Ruth Paine’s Ongoing Involvement

Despite the controversy surrounding her, Ruth Paine has continued to engage with the public about her role in these events. Max Good noted that she was still giving interviews as recently as 2019, at 87. She even planned to visit Dallas for the 60th anniversary of the assassination in 2023, at the age of 91.

This ongoing involvement has surprised many, including Good himself. It raises questions about why Paine continues to put herself in the public eye regarding such a controversial topic.

The Walker Incident: A Key Piece of the Puzzle

The Importance of the Walker Shooting

The attempted shooting of General Edwin Walker is a crucial element in the official narrative of the JFK assassination. It’s used to establish a pattern of behavior for Lee Harvey Oswald, demonstrating his “tendency to take a human life”.

Ruth Paine plays a significant role in this part of the story. She handed over a book belonging to Marina Oswald to authorities after the assassination. This book allegedly contained a note that tied Oswald to the Walker shooting.

Questions About the Evidence

However, there are several issues with this evidence. Mark Groubert pointed out that Oswald’s fingerprints were not found on the letter, nor has the handwriting been confirmed to be his. Additionally, the fingerprints on the letter didn’t match either Lee or Marina Oswald.

These discrepancies have led some researchers to question the authenticity of this evidence and, by extension, Ruth Paine’s role in providing it.

Ruth Paine’s Family Connections

CIA Links in the Family

Ruth Paine’s family connections have also been a source of intrigue. Her sister, Sylvia Hoke, was employed by the CIA and was listed in the Falls Church, Virginia phone directory as such.

Furthermore, Ruth’s father, William Avery Hyde, who worked for USAID, was considered for use by the CIA in Vietnam in 1957. He wrote reports for USAID and did extensive work in Latin America.

Political Leanings

Interestingly, Ruth’s parents were socialists who supported Norman Thomas, the socialist candidate for president. However, they were also strongly anti-communist. According to Ruth, this was because communists had tried to take over her parents’ more moderate socialist groups.

This complex political background adds another layer of intrigue to Ruth Paine’s story and her potential connections to various political and intelligence circles.

The Financial Puzzle

Living Modestly Despite Wealth

One puzzling aspect of the Paine story is their financial situation. Despite coming from a wealthy background – Michael Paine had a trust fund from the Forbes family worth at least $300,000 – the Paines lived very modestly.

Their house in Irving, Texas, where they were living at the time of the assassination, cost only about $5,000. Despite having access to significant wealth, this modest lifestyle has raised questions about their motivations and priorities.

Unraveling the Mystery: What Does It All Mean?

Ruth Paine’s international connections paint a complex picture, from her work in Nicaragua to her family’s ties to the CIA. Her involvement in the JFK assassination story, her continued public engagement with the topic, and the various inconsistencies and mysteries surrounding her actions have kept researchers and historians intrigued for decades.

While we may never know the full truth about Ruth Paine’s role in these events, her story reminds us of the complex web of connections and coincidences surrounding major historical events. It encourages us to think critically about the information we receive and to consider multiple perspectives when examining historical narratives.

As we continue to unravel the mysteries of the past, stories like Ruth Paine’s remind us that history is rarely as simple as it first appears. The international connections, the intelligence links, and the personal relationships all form part of a larger, more complex narrative that continues to fascinate and perplex us today.

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