Napoleon’s Love Letters: The Passionate Side of a Military Genius

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Napoleon Bonaparte is known for his military prowess and political ambition, but his love letters reveal a softer, more passionate side of the famous French leader. These letters, particularly those written to his wife Josephine, show us that even great military minds can be swept away by the power of love.

The Beginning of a Great Romance

Napoleon met Josephine de Beauharnais in 1795 when he was a young general on the rise. From the start, he was completely smitten with her. Their whirlwind romance led to marriage just months after they first met.

Early Passion

Napoleon’s early letters to Josephine are filled with intense passion and longing. In one letter, he wrote:

“I awake full of you. Your image and the memory of last night’s intoxicating pleasures has left no rest to my senses.”

This shows us how deeply Napoleon felt for Josephine from the very beginning of their relationship. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, even when he was busy with his military duties.

The Art of the Love Letter

Napoleon was not just a skilled military strategist; he was also quite talented at writing love letters. His words to Josephine were often poetic and full of emotion.

Romantic Imagery

In his letters, Napoleon used vivid imagery to express his feelings. For example, he once wrote:

“A kiss on your heart, and then a little lower down, much lower…”

He also referred to intimate parts of Josephine’s body in romantic ways, calling one area her “little black forest”. These details show that Napoleon was not afraid to be explicit in expressing his desire for his wife.

Emotional Depth

Napoleon’s letters weren’t just about physical passion. They also revealed his emotional vulnerability. In one letter, he wrote:

“I have your letter to the 16th and 21st. There are many days when you don’t write. What do you do then? I’m not jealous, but sometimes worried.”

This shows that even a powerful leader like Napoleon could feel insecure and anxious when it came to love.

The Ups and Downs of Love

Like many relationships, Napoleon and Josephine’s had its share of problems. Their letters reveal both the highs and lows of their romance.

Jealousy and Anger

When Josephine didn’t write to him as often as he wanted, Napoleon could become quite upset. In one angry letter, he wrote:

“I don’t love you anymore. On the contrary, I detest you. You’re a vile, mean, beastly… You don’t write to me at all. You don’t love your husband.”

But even in his anger, Napoleon couldn’t help but express his love. In the same letter, he went on to say:

“Soon I hope I’ll be holding you in my arms. Then I will cover you with a million hot kisses, burning like the equator.”

This shows how quickly Napoleon’s emotions could swing from one extreme to another when it came to Josephine.

The Power of Words

Napoleon’s love letters weren’t just private expressions of affection. They also played a role in his public image and political career.

A Public Romance

Josephine sometimes read Napoleon’s letters aloud to friends, sharing their passionate romance with others. This helped create an image of Napoleon as not just a military leader, but also a passionate lover.

Political Implications

Napoleon’s marriage to Josephine was more than just a love match. It also helped him socially and politically. Josephine was well-connected in Parisian society, and her network of friends helped Napoleon advance his career.

The End of a Love Story

Despite their passionate beginnings, Napoleon and Josephine’s marriage eventually ended in divorce. Napoleon needed an heir, which Josephine couldn’t provide.

A Bittersweet Farewell

Even after their divorce, Napoleon’s letters show that he still cared deeply for Josephine. He wrote to her:

“I still love you, but in politics there is no heart, only head.”

This shows how Napoleon struggled to balance his personal feelings with his political ambitions.


Napoleon’s love letters give us a glimpse into the heart of one of history’s most famous leaders. They show us that even someone known for his military genius and political power could be deeply affected by love.

These letters reveal Napoleon as a complex person – passionate, insecure, romantic, and sometimes angry. They remind us that behind every great historical figure is a human being with feelings and emotions just like the rest of us.

Napoleon’s love letters to Josephine are more than just historical documents. They’re a testament to the power of love and the beauty of the written word. They show us that even in times of war and political upheaval, the human heart still yearns for connection and affection.

So the next time you think of Napoleon, remember that he wasn’t just a military genius or a political leader. He was also a man who could write some of the most passionate love letters in history.

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