The Forgotten Bonaparte: Napoleon III and His Impact on Modern Paris

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When we think of Napoleon Bonaparte, we usually picture the short military genius who conquered much of Europe in the early 1800s. But there was another Napoleon who ruled France for even longer and left an even bigger mark on Paris – his nephew, Napoleon III. Let’s explore the story of this “forgotten Bonaparte” and how he transformed the City of Light.

A Tale of Two Napoleons

Napoleon Bonaparte and Napoleon III were uncle and nephew, but their paths to power were quite different:

Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Rose to power during the chaos of the French Revolution
  • Became Emperor of France in 1804
  • Ruled for about 15 years before being exiled
  • Known for his military conquests across Europe

Napoleon III

  • Born in 1808, after his uncle was already in power
  • Grew up in exile after his uncle’s defeat
  • Became President of France in 1848
  • Made himself Emperor in 1852
  • Ruled for over 20 years until 1870

While the first Napoleon is famous for his battles, Napoleon III is remembered more for how he changed Paris. Let’s look at how this “other” Bonaparte came to power and left his mark on the French capital.

The Rise of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte

Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (the future Napoleon III) had a rough start in life:

  • Born in 1808 as Napoleon Bonaparte’s nephew
  • Forced into exile as a child when his uncle lost power
  • Grew up dreaming of returning to rule France
  • Made two failed attempts to take power in the 1830s
  • Elected President of France in 1848 after a revolution

At first, people saw Louis-Napoleon as a bit of a joke. He had failed twice to seize power and didn’t seem very impressive. But he was smarter than people realized. In 1851, when his term as president was almost over, he launched a coup and made himself Emperor Napoleon III.

Remaking Paris

Once in power, Napoleon III set out to transform Paris. The city was still mostly medieval, with narrow, winding streets and poor sanitation. Napoleon III wanted to make it a modern capital to rival London.

Here’s what he did:

Wide Boulevards

  • Knocked down old buildings to create broad, straight streets
  • Made it easier for troops to move around and control riots
  • Created the grand boulevards we see in Paris today

Parks and Green Spaces

  • Built new parks like the Bois de Boulogne
  • Added trees along streets
  • Gave Parisians places to relax and enjoy nature

Modern Infrastructure

  • Improved water supply and sewers
  • Built new railway stations
  • Made Paris cleaner and healthier

Iconic Buildings

  • Finished the Louvre Palace
  • Built the Paris Opera House
  • Created the look of Paris we know today

Napoleon III worked with Baron Haussmann, the city planner, to carry out these changes. They remade about 60% of Paris in less than 20 years.

Beyond Paris: Napoleon III’s Other Achievements

While remaking Paris was Napoleon III’s biggest legacy, he did other important things too:

  • Made education free and required for all children
  • Allowed women to get higher education
  • Started public pensions for workers
  • Invested in railways and industry
  • Acquired new colonies like Vietnam and Cambodia

Under Napoleon III, France’s economy grew quickly. By 1870, industrial output had increased by 75%.

The Fall of Napoleon III

Despite his successes, Napoleon III’s reign ended badly. In 1870, he led France into a disastrous war with Prussia (part of modern Germany). The French army was crushed, and Napoleon III was captured. He spent his last years in exile in England, where he died in 1873.

Comparing the Two Napoleons

So how did Napoleon III stack up against his more famous uncle?


  • Both seized power through coups
  • Both made themselves Emperor
  • Both tried to make France the strongest country in Europe


  • Napoleon Bonaparte was a military genius; Napoleon III was not
  • Napoleon I conquered much of Europe; Napoleon III focused more on improving France itself
  • Napoleon I ruled for about 15 years; Napoleon III ruled for over 20

The Legacy of Napoleon III

Today, Napoleon III is often overlooked. But his impact on Paris was huge. The wide boulevards, grand buildings, and beautiful parks we associate with Paris are largely his creation.

Napoleon III also pushed France to become more modern and industrial. He may not have been the military leader his uncle was, but in many ways, he did more to shape the France we know today.

So next time you’re strolling down a grand Parisian boulevard or relaxing in a city park, remember the “forgotten Bonaparte” who helped create that beautiful city.

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